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Certificates and tests

ActiveJet is Students' Brand of the Year 2013

ActiveJet is Students' Brand of the Year 2013

It is not the first time ActiveJet printing supplies were chosen by students as the most popular brand of that product category. The prestigious Student Brand title awarded to ActiveJet was based on online surveys conducted online by the portals associated under StudentNews.pl in 2013. It is yet another official proof of consumer trust for the brand.

"Students are one of our key customer segments. They print a lot, demand good quality and affordable prices at the same time. Consequently, we take the award as a proof that ActiveJet offers products that meet all those requirements. In fact, numerous surveys confirm our brand is a true market leader. Let us take the most recent IDC research for example, according to which our products have the largest share in the market of alternative printer consumables. But sales figures aside, it is also essential to us that ActiveJet is a brand that is trusted, liked and consumer friendly, which the second Students' Brand of the Year title obviously proves," points out Rafał Ornowski, who represents the Board of Directors of Action S.A., the company which owns the brand, in its operations related to ActiveJet.

The StudentNews.pl group of internet portals, which conducted the survey for the Students' Brand of the Year competition, is one of Poland's largest online media targeted at students of the final years of secondary schools and tertiary education institutions, popular also with college and university graduates. The group affiliates include studentnews.pl, edubaza.pl, dlamaturzysty.pl, studialicencjackie.pl and studiapodyplomowe.pl, whose combined number of unique users exceeded 7 million in the school year 2012/2013.

"At ActiveJet we keep the quality of our products in focus at all times. Not only are they tested in countless ways but are also submitted for tests and evaluation to independent third-party research facilities. We are one of the most frequently award-winning brands in our category in Poland. The titles we won in 2013 alone include the Golden Consumer's Laurel, Top Brand, Golden Ace of IT and Virtual Industry Leader. We look at all those awards as a confirmation of the superb quality of ActiveJet products and the recognition they enjoy," adds Mr Ornowski.

Dyplom Studencka Marka Roku 2013